Introduction: Tiny Storage Tubes

About: a little heads-up: my earlier instructables might be badly written, as i wasn't very good at english back then
hello readers!

this time i'll show you how to make these tiny little storage tubes for storing extremely small things

Step 1: What You'll Need.

plastic "Q-tips"
a lighter
a pair of pliers
and a sharp knife
or if you are a coward that doesn't like knives, a pair of scissors

(no offense to the people out there that dont like knives)

Step 2: The Cut Is Back!

cut the ends of one q-tip

Step 3: Bring on the Heat!

heat up one end of the q-tip and quickly squeeze it with the pliers

Step 4: Trim It


use the knife to make the end look a bit nicer

Step 5: Toothpick Time

take one toothpick and cut it in half, then cut off most of the pointy end

Step 6: Allmost Done!!1

press the toothpick into the tube and cut it so about 5mm is sticking out

Step 7: Ur D0ne M8

now it's ready to use!

in this picture i put some spearmint seeds in it.

thanks for reading, see ya in my next in'able!