Introduction: [Collegiate Snacks] Spaghetti Squash Seeds

About: Engineer making renewable energy products for African entrepreneurs.
While you're baking your fresh spaghetti squash... Take a little time and prepare the seeds that you would have otherwise thrown out... Satisfy that need to use more of what you consume :)

While they come from a different plant, they are very similar to pumpkin seeds (although there aren't as many).

Step 1: Ingredients

Remains of 1 (or more) spaghetti squash

Step 2: Prep, Cook and Serve

Separate mature seeds from the remains of your squash. Mature seeds are a little darker in color while young seeds are completely white (and typically smaller). This will take about 10-15 minutes or so -- the seeds can be well hidden in the innards :P

In a small pan, melt a pat of butter over medium heat - then add your seeds. Add salt to taste and slowly cook over medium heat until brown. If your seeds start popping before they brown, lower the heat a little.

Once brown, serve warm. I gobble them up while the rest of the squash is still cooking :)