Introduction: 12 Volt Battery Hack! You'll Be Surprised...

About: Tinkerer, hackster and prankster. Hit me up on Facebook: Thanks for checking out my Instructables!
Save $40 with this easy to do hack that takes less than a minute! Pay attention to the battery type as that is important.

This can also be done with a 9 volt battery!

Step 1: It's So EZ!!

I picked up a couple of A23 Energizer Batteries at Wal-Mart for $1.88. What a deal!! If you look carefully at an A23, there is a split in the label/housing. I used a small screwdriver and peeled away the housing revealing a piece of paper.

Step 2: What's Inside??

Peeling back the paper, I found 8 (1.5 volt) button cell batteries!! These are perfectly good button cells that will work in any 1.5 volt device they fit in!

Step 3: Save $40!!

I matched the battery at Radio Shack and 1 of those button cells cost $4.99! Do the math! This easy hack gets you 8 button cells for about 1/2 of what one costs! Have Fun, Be Sfae! Hope you enjoyed this EZ, money saving hack!