Introduction: 3 Card Tricks for Beginners

For this instructable you will only need a deck of playing cards. Any brand will do personally I recommend bicycle playing cards. We also recommend doing this with a friend so you can practice these tricks on each other! Another note is this site does have some forced formatting that doesn't help with having multiple tricks in one instructable. For that reason when ever you see a Step (a number) : Trick (A trick) that means we are moving onto a new trick!

Step 1: Trick 1: Between the Two Red Queens

This is a simple trick where you pick one card out of a stack of 13 cards and use 2 red queens to find the card. See the video to see the full trick in motion!

Step 2:

Pull out the 2 red queens and set them aside (Photo)

Step 3:

Pick 13 cards and set the deck aside. You will only use the 13 cards and the 2 queens from now on. (Photo)

Step 4:

Have a person or yourself pick a card from the stack of 13 cards.

Step 5:

Have them/you look at and memorize the card

Step 6:

Have them/you put the card on top of the stack of cards face down.

Step 7:

Now using your thumb pull the top card down in your hand. (Video Reference)

Step 8:

Drop the rest of the cards on top of the one card you pulled down in a way you prefer see video for reference.

Step 9:

Using Thumb and middle finger pull down the two cards into your hand. (video)

Step 10:

Drop the rest of the cards on top of the card you pulled down in a way you prefer.

Step 11:

Now taking the packet of cards put 1 queen on top face up and 1 queen on bottom face up. (Photo)

Step 12:

Step 11. Now we spell out ‘between’ with the cards taking the top card and putting it down on a table, 1 card for each letter. For example “b”, put a card down, “e”, put a card down, until you reach the end of the word. (Video for these steps)

Step 13:

After spelling out “between” with the cards you will still have some left in your hand put those on top of the pile on the table.

Step 14:

Now take the pile and spell out ‘the’ with the cards taking the top card and putting it down on a table 1 card for each letter. For example “t”, put a card down, “h”, put a card down, until you reach the end of the word.

Step 15:

After spelling out ‘the’ with the cards you will still have some left in your hand put those on top of the pile on the table.

Step 16:

Now take the pile and spell out ‘two’ with the cards taking the top card and putting it down on a table 1 card for each letter. For example “t”, put a card down, “w”, put a card down, until you reach the end of the word.

Step 17:

After spelling out ‘two’ with the cards you will still have some left in your hand put those on top of the pile on the table.

Step 18:

Now take the pile and spell out ‘red’ with the cards taking the top card and putting it down on a table 1 card for each letter. For example “r”, put a card down, “e”, put a card down, until you reach the end of the word.

Step 19:

After spelling out ‘red’ with the cards you will still have some left in your hand put those on top of the pile on the table.

Step 20:

Now take the pile and spell out ‘queens’ with the cards taking the top card and putting it down on a table 1 card for each letter. For example “q”, put a card down, “u”, put a card down, until you reach the end of the word.

Step 21:

After spelling out ‘queens’ with the cards you will still have some left in your hand put those on top of the pile on the table.

Step 22:

Now fan out the cards and reveal the card between the 2 queens. (Photo)

Step 23: Trick 2: Double Lift

In this trick we lift 2 cards over as one to trick the viewer which card is on top. See video

Step 24:

Riffle(run your thumb) up the deck till you have 2 cards separated. You can try this with on hand but using the hand not holding cards to riffle through the deck is much easier. (Video Reference)

Step 25:

Use your pinky to hold a break in the cards(See picture)

Step 26:

Pinch and flip the cards over. This part takes time to learn and get used to! Feel free to repeat till you are comfortable with it. (Video Reference)

Step 27:

Use your thumb to show card off.(See picture)

Step 28:

Same way you flipped the card up, flip the card down. (Video Reference)

Step 29:

Now flip the top card up (Video Reference)

Step 30:

Flip back over and you have done the double lift!

Step 31: Trick 3: Card Swap Lift

Now we use the double lift to swap the cards out. See video

Step 32:

Riffle(run your thumb) up the deck till you have 2 cards separated (Video Reference)

Step 33:

Use your pinky to hold a break in the cards(See picture)

Step 34:

Pinch and flip the cards over. This part takes time to learn and get used to! Feel free to repeat till you are comfortable with it. (Video Reference)

Step 35:

Use your thumb to show card off.(See picture)

Step 36:

Same way you flipped the card up, flip the card down. (Video Reference)

Step 37:

Put the top card on the table.

Step 38:

Tap the card with new top card of the deck

Step 39:

Now reveal the card in your hand showing the card you “put down”. This trick is meant to be done with another person so try it out with a friend and see how you do!