Introduction: 3D Printer DIY Whole Process
This article will tell you how to DIY 3D printer,you can't miss it, so please read it carefully
Step 1: Prepare Materials
1. Acrylic parts * 1 set
2. Plastic parts * 1 set
3. Electronic components,I buy it from Jotrin Electronics Limitedwhich hasa professional agent of electronic components distributor with many years of industry experience.
Arduino 2560 * 1
RAMPS1.4 * 1
A4988 driver module * 4
42 stepper motor * 5 (2 long 3 short)
The upgraded version of J-head * 1
MK3 hotbed * 1
Tact switch * 3
4cm fan * 1
Switching power supply * 1 (12V * 30A)
Several wires
4. Hardware
2GT sync wheel * 2
2GT timing belt * 2
5mm-5mm flexible coupling * 2
Linear bearing * 10
605ZZ bearing * 3
U-shaped guide wheel * 1
Feed gear * 1
Pressure spring * 5 (4 small 1 big)
Timing belt locking spring * 2
Screw * 1 set
Slide rail * 1 set
Nut & Gasket & Screw * 1 set 发送反馈 历史记录
Step 2: Y-axis Chassis Assembly
First, assemble the Y-axis timing belt guide wheel. Two 605zz bearings, one M5-25mm screw, one M5 nut, and one gasket are required.
Step 3: Install the Front Side Foot
Step 4: One Foot After Installation
Step 5: Connecting Front and Rear Side Feet
Step 6: Mounting Slide Rail
Step 7: Heating Bed Floor Installation
Step 8: Install the Y-belt-holder Onto the Acrylic Base Plate and Use the Self-locking M3 Nut
Step 9: Secure the Bottom Plate to the Y-axis Slide Rail With a Cable Tie
Step 10: X-axis Assembly
Insert LM8UU into x-end plastic parts
Step 11: Add M5 Nut to X-end
Step 12: Install the Slide Rail
Install the slide rail, assemble the X-axis synchronous belt guide wheel bearing, M5 screw front pad 4 M5 washers
Step 13: Install X-carriage
Step 14: Acrylic Frame Installation
Mounting frame and side panels
Step 15: Link X, Y, Z Axes
Y-axis base and acrylic frame link
Step 16: Fixed Z-axis Motor and Installed Z-axis Slide Rail, Drive Screw
Step 17: Install X, Y Axis Motor
Step 18: Install X, Y Axis Timing Belt
Step 19: Heating Bed Installation
Step 20: Apply a Thermistor to the Front of the Hot Bed and Fix the Hot Bed to the Y-axis
Step 21: Extruder Installation
Install ex-base
Step 22: Installation of Extrusion Nozzle
Step 23: Install the Cooling Fan
Install the cooling fan, the fan wiring, and the extruder heater wire are connected together.
Step 24: End-stop Tact Switch Installation
Fixed tact switch to end-stop
Step 25: Install End-stop to the Printer
Step 26: Line Link
Step 27: Switching Power Supply Wiring
Switching power supply wiring, yellow blue and brown are 220V ground wire, 220V firewire, zero wire. The two sets of red and black lines are the 12V output of the switching power supply.