In this class, you'll learn everything you need to know to use your camera to take objects from the world around you and turn them into 3D models on your computer! I'll introduce you to the basic concepts of 3D scanning, and teach you an easily accessible method of reality capture called photogrammetry. Then I'll show you how to use a great program called ReCap Photo that will magically reconstruct your photos into 3D models in the cloud. Last you'll learn how to repair and edit your model…
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In this class, you'll learn everything you need to know to use your camera to take objects from the world around you and turn them into 3D models on your computer! I'll introduce you to the basic concepts of 3D scanning, and teach you an easily accessible method of reality capture called photogrammetry. Then I'll show you how to use a great program called ReCap Photo that will magically reconstruct your photos into 3D models in the cloud. Last you'll learn how to repair and edit your models to turn them into functional objects for all kinds of uses.
3D scanning is an amazing technology with all kinds of innovative applications from product design, to medical technology, to historical preservation, and beyond. What will you use it for??