Introduction: A DIY Milk Jug Snow Owl
This is a pretty easy project I made ONLY from recyclable stuff!
Look in the trash! Maybe all you need is already there?! :D
Idea: Owl Crafts and Learning Activities for Kids (
Step 1: Find Your Materials
For this project, you need an empty 1-gallon milk jug, 2 black plastic bottle caps, 2 jar lids, 4-5 sheets of thick paper, Elmers glue (not shown), hot glue gun (not shown), 2 plastic forks, boiling water (not shown),white and black paint+ a paintbrush (not shown).
Do not forget you might have to have more supplies if you mess up or run out!
Step 2: Paint Your Jug (Base)
Before painting, you might want to rip off the sticker on the jug. Blowing hot air from a hair dryer onto the sticker might help with that.
Take a lot of white paint mix it with some glue. The glue will help the paint stick to the jug better.
Anyways, get a BIG brush and start painting from top to bottom (in vertical strokes). Do not start on the handle, because you will hold on it while painting everything else. When the other part of the jug is dry, paint the handle. Feel free to paint a second layer if you wish.
Step 3: Paint Your Jug (Detail)
Get some black or dark grey paint and get a thin paintbrush. Now go ahead and start painting the feather detail.
Step 4: Make the Beak
Take a piece of thick paper cut out a small, but long triangle about the width of the handle of the jug.
After, paint it black. You can paint the other side if you wish.
Step 5: Make the Eyes
Take a bottle cap, paint it black and hot-glue it (bottle top down) to the middle of the inside of the jar lid, which you should paint black on the outside, white on the inside. Next, take a piece of paper and cut a circle the size of the inside of a bottle cap. Afterwards, cut a hole in the circle. Color the piece of paper yellow, then squiggle orange around the hole.Glue the circle to the bottle cap.
Repeat the same to the other eye.
Step 6: Make the Head and Wings
Get a piece of thick paper and cut out a square (6'') and paint feather details with black paint. After, cut out 2 identical wings and color it with feather details. Repeat with other wing.
Step 7: Make the Claws
If you are under 12 years old or you cannot handle hot water properly, please do not do this without the help of an adult.
Ok, this might be tricky. In this step will be using hot water. So be careful!
Anyways, boil some water. Pour it into a cup, dip into boiling water and press against the bottom of the cup. The fork will bend at the connection place (connects the handle of the fork and the tines, shown in the third picture) about 90 degrees. . When it does, quickly take it out and let the water drip off. Repeat.
Step 8: Connect Everything
This is the hardest part. Cut off the top part of the jug. (shown in picture) It is possible with normal scissors!
Take a hot glue gun and glue EVERYTHING (except the claws) to its place! Start with the eyes and beak, then end with the wings and head.
For the claws, poke 2 horizontal holes with scissors and stick the forks in them.
Step 9: Done!
Watch the video for video instructions.