Introduction: A Pallet Home, Sweet Home

You havent money to decorate your home. Dont be in panic, use wood pallets. Take a moment to se how i decorate my own home. Sort for my english, im from spain.

Step 1:

First to créate a couch, you need 6 pallets. You can movit if you want and configurate the couch, like you want. All the pallets aré barniced

Step 2:

To the small center table use a diferent pallet. You can use diferent pallets for diferent uses.

Step 3:

Use two pallets and concrete stone to do make this forniture.

Step 4:

Two hall pallets for tv

Step 5:

An ikea pallet for this one

Step 6:

8 pallets for the bed and two moré for head.

Step 7:

Useing the rest to créate new fornitures.

Step 8:

Finaly if you havent many remember i only spend 300$

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