Introduction: A Speedy Way to Make a Speed Boat Costume

This costume was designed to be worn by middle school aged children; it is the perfect costume for school play, Halloween or dress up around the house. The costume is made of slotted cardboard, which makes it quite easy to assemble and disassemble. Because there are only three pieces, this is quite an easy costume to construct.

This was a school project done by ninth grade students in New Jersey. Our job was to construct an entire project out of slotted cardboard, so that we could learn how to do a project, and then present it. This project had to be marine themed and it had to be have a theme that went with our groups.

Design Brief- My group had to construct an entire costume out of slotted cardboard. The theme we picked was boats. I had to design a speed boat.

Specifications- It must fit a middle school student, be practical and comfortable. This costume should be something that middle school aged children wants to wear.

Limits- This costume must be made of cardboard and marine themed. It must be small enough to wear comfortably.


Step 1: Prepare

Supply and Equiptment List

ITEM   MATERIAL DESCRIPTION      QTY          SIZE                  REMARKS - PART

S1      Left side Cardboard                  1             5 ¼’ x 2’             Left Side of Boat
S2      Right side Cardboard               1             5 ¼’ x 2’             Right Side of Boat
S3      Back side Cardboard                1             2 ½’ x 2’             Back of Boat

Tools and Equipment list

ITEM                     TOOL                             USE

TI                     CUTTING MAT           To protect the table while cutting
T2                    UTILITY KNIFE          To cut the cardboard
T3                    RULER                       To measure the length of the sides being cut
T4                    PENCIIL                     To draw lines before cutting
T5                    PAINT (optional)       To decorate the costume

Part List

ITEM             QTY                       PART NAME

P1                   1                          Left Side of Boat
P2                   1                          Right Side of Boat
P3                   1                           Back of Boat

Step 2: Obtaining the Materials

A the materials that are needed to complete this project are:

A Cutting Mat
A Utility Knife
A Ruler
A Tape Measure
A Pencil
Paint (Optional)

Step 3: Finding the Cardboard

The first step to this project is finding a piece of cardboard that will be big enough to make your boat.

 If making the boat to fit an average middle school child the best would be to obtain two separate pieces of cardboard:

One should be about 6'x 6', this will make the left and right side of the boat.
The other piece of cardboard should be about 3'x3', this will make the back of the boat.

Step 4: Drawing the Left Side

Three pieces will need to be draw before cutting, the first one is the left side:

The left side:

Using the pencil (T4) draw a curved diagonal line from the bottom left corner to the top right hand corner, curving the right corner

Using the ruler (T3) measure in from the left side ¼’ and make a mark using the pencil (T4). Then measure with the ruler (T3) down from the mark, 1’, this will become a slot. Make sure the slot is the thickness of the cardboard being used.

Using the ruler (T3) measure in from the right side ¼’ and make a mark with the pencil (T4). Then measure with the ruler (T3) down from the mark, 1’, this will become a slot. Make sure the slot is the thickness of the cardboard being used.

Measure using the ruler (T3) in from the right side ¼’ and make a mark with the pencil (T4). Then measure with the ruler (T3) down from the mark ¼’, this will become a slot. Make sure the slot is the thickness of the cardboard being used.

Step 5: Drawing the Right Side

The right side:

Draw with the pencil (T4) a curved diagonal line from the bottom left corner to the top right hand corner, curving the right corner

Measure using the ruler (T3) in from the left side ¼’ and make a mark with a pencil (T4). Then measure with the ruler (T3) down from the mark, 1’, this will become a slot. Make sure the slot is the thickness of the cardboard being used.

Measure with the ruler (T3) in from the right side ¼’ and make a mark with a pencil (T4). Then measure with a pencil (T3) down from the mark, 1’, this will become a slot. Make sure the slot is the thickness of the cardboard being used.

Measure using the ruler (T3) in from the right side ¼’ and make a mark with a pencil (T4) on the lower half of the cardboard. Then measure with the ruler (T3) up from the mark ¼’, this will become a slot. Make sure the slot is the thickness of the cardboard being used.

Step 6: Back of Boat

Back of Boat

Using the ruler (T3) measure in from the left side ¼’ and make a mark using the pencil (T4). Then measure with the ruler (T3) down from the mark 1’, this will become a slit. Make sure the slot is the thickness of the cardboard being used.

Measure using the ruler (T3) in from the right side ¼’ and make a mark using the pencil (T4). Then measure with the ruler (T3) down from the mark 1’, this will become a slit. Make sure the slot is the thickness of the cardboard being used.

Step 7: Cutting the Pieces

Using the Utility Knife, cut along all the edges that have been drawn. Make sure that you make the slits the same width as the cardboard that you are using. 

Step 8: Parts List

Parts List-

1 Left Side of Boat

1 Right Side of Boat

1 Back Of Boat

Step 9: Assembly

1. Insert the long slit of the left side of boat (P1) into the left slit of back side of boat (P3)

2. Insert the long slit of the right side of boat (P2) into the right slit of the back side of boat(P3)

3. Slide the short slits of the right side of boat (P2) into the short slit of the back side of boat (P1)