Introduction: A Super Simple Treat Dispenser

This is my first instructable.... so I'll start with something simple.

This is a really simple treat dispenser which will hopefully keep your little smoochie entertained for more than a few seconds before stashing it under the couch never to be seen again....

Step 1: Gather Your Stuff.

You will need:

  • A smoochie (Bunneh, lolcat, hamster, ferret, small person with short attention span, etc)
  • A small juice bottle (this one's a "nudie" bottle... it's good because it's almost cylindrical, small, and made out of tough-ish plastic)
  • Something to punch holes in plastic (sharp thing)
  • Treats (and some not-so treats to randomize things a little)

Step 2: Starve Your Smoochie.

Your smoochie will have more fun when it's really really hungry. :)

I'm stating the obvious, but you'll have more success throwing this thing out just before dinner as opposed to just after.....

Step 3: Poke Holes.

Use your poking thingy to poke a few holes in the bottle. Don't make the holes too big, but big enough for bits to fall through. Only about 2-3 holes should suffice, or you'll end up with a carpet full of surplus treats (or a hyperactive smoochie) and an empty bottle.

Note that if you totally overdo the hole punching thing with powertools like I did, you will probably want to clean up any burring (plastic furry bits) with a small file or knife tip...

Step 4: Stuff It.

Will the holes poked, fill it about 2/3 to 3/4 full with treats.

I've mixed in about 50% of "normal" food. It would probably make sense to start with almost 100% treats and reduce the treat portion once they have it figured out, for a (hopefully) longer lasting effect.

Step 5: Observe.

When dangling this in front of your starving smoochie, remember to use encouraging phrases such as "Yeah... you really want this don't you...".

If all else fails, give up and stick it in the middle of their favourite napping spot (this works particularly well for stubborn bunnehs).
Keep the Bottle Contest

Participated in the
Keep the Bottle Contest