Introduction: ATmega 644 Arduino/Evaluationboard

This is my version of an ATmega 644 Arduino.  I built it to make prototyping with the ATmega easier.

Why to use this "thing" (datasheet: instead an Arduino?
  - Learn how to solder
  - Learn how an Arduino works
  - More I/Os (Arduino has 20, the ATmega 32)!
  - Bigger flash memory/SRAM (Arduino has 32KB/2KB, ATmega has 64KB/4KB)
  - hackable! You can add what ever you like to this board!

  - 1 Power indicater LED
  - 1 Debug LED, which you can disable by removing the Jumper
  - 2 UART LEDs (RX, TX), which also can be disabled
  - Power it with your ISP Programmer/USB TTL adapter or your power supply
  - Reset button

Things you will need:
  - 1x Prototyping- /veroboard (27 x 37 holes)
  - some copper wire to connect your parts
  - 1x ATmega 644 DIP
  - 1x 40 pin IC header
  - 1x 2x3 male header for the ICSP
  - 4x LEDs in your favorite color (I recommend you to use different colors)
  - 1x 6mmx6mm pushbutton
  - 1x 7805 5V regulator
  - 1x 4007 diode
  - 2x 10µF electrolythic capacitors
  - 6x 100nF capacitors
  - 2x 22pF capacitors for the crystal
  - 4x 220 Ohm resistors for the LEDs
  - 1x 1 kOhm resistor for the reset pin
  - 3x 2x1 male headers for the jumpers
  - 3x jumpers to enable/disable your LEDs
  - 1x 8x1 female header
  - 1x 7x1 female header (female headers can be cut with a sidecutter)
  - 1x 11x1 female header
  - 1x 9x1 female header

  - Crystal for accurate timers
  - 3x1 or 2x 1x1 female headers for the crystal
  - USB to TTL converter to program/debug the ATmega using the Arduino IDE

Build it:
  - Download the prototyping board layout from this website
  - get your prototyping board and solder all the components to the right place (vertical resistors are bridges: Just bend
    some copper wire the right way and solder it like a resistor)
  - wire the components together

Use it the first time:
  1) Check all your solder connections!
  2) Plugin your power supply/ISP programmer/USB to TTL converter.
  3) Check if the Power LED lights up. If it doesn`t diconnect your power supply and go back to step 1.
  4) Smell! Does something smells burned?
  5) Check your voltages at your 7805 (pin 3 should be 5V, pin 9, 10 and 30 of the IC header (should be 5V). If they're to high or to    
      disconnect your power supply and go back to step 1.
  6) Plugin your ATmega.
  7) Smell again and feel the temperature of the IC (ATmega 644). If something smells wrong or is to hot go back to step 1.
  8) Enjoy!

How can I use it in the Arduino IDE?
  - Buy the optional parts and connect them!
  - Follow these instructions:
Arduino Contest

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Arduino Contest