A/V Contest WinnersBy Danger is my middle name in CircuitsAudio8316 These winners of the A/V contest are taking it to new levels of awesome! Check them out! https://www.instructables.com/contest/av2012/ These winners of the A/V contest are taking it to new levels of awesome! Check them out! https://www.instructables.com/contest/av2012/ Wireless Rubik's Cube Speakerby BrittLiv in SpeakersPandora's Box - an Internet Radio Player Made With a Raspberry Pi!by Ayy in Raspberry PiVisualizing Sound Through Fire in 3Dby ExperiencingPhysics in SpeakersEmbroidered Fabric Speakerby Plusea in AudioWood Headphones Using 123D Catch + SolidWorks + ShopBot.by damonite in AudioHeadphone Hybrid Tube Amp (SSMH)by eh1080 in AudioOnline Live Photo Streaming From Any SD Card Enabled Cameraby johnnyman727 in CamerasZeta Reticuli: MIDI Controlled 10-band EQ and Multiple External Effect Interfaceby RedBinary in AudioHyperbolic Spoon IPhone Amplifier/Standby Renard_Bleu in AudioRaspberry Pi Powered Time Lapse Dolly (RasPiLapse)by rickadam in Raspberry PiHow to Convert a Laptop LCD Into an External Monitor.by zerofootprint3 in Computers5 Speaker Car Head Unit Boomboxby technovative in WoodworkingTurn an Old CRT Television Into a Raspberry Pi Powered MAME Cocktail Cabinetby Spartan 117 in Raspberry PiRaspbAIRy - the RaspberryPi-based Airplay Speakerby zwuckl in Raspberry Pi