Introduction: Altoids Tin Magnetic Hideaway

This altoids tin hideaway is magnetic and perfect for holding small objects, such as coins, flashdrives, keys, and small notes (such as computer passwords). It is simple to create and can blend in with any surroundings based on the paint color you choose.


Altoids Tin (any size)

MagnetHot Glue Gun (with glue stick)

Acrylic Paint (or spray paint)-color of choice


Step 1: Gather Supplies


  • Altoids Tin (any size)
  • MagnetHot Glue Gun (with glue stick)
  • Acrylic Paint (or spray paint)-color of choice
  • Paintbrush

Step 2: Empty the Tin of Any Contents and Paint It the Color of Your Choice (ideally to Match the Place It Is Going to Go)

You may choose to use acrylic paint or spray paint. Find a close match to the color of where it is going to go, to help it blend in. Be sure to paint the entire exterior of the tin. Allow paint to dry fully.

Step 3: Attach a Magnet With Hot Glue to the Bottom of the Tin

Using a hot glue gun, and being careful to not burn your fingers, attach a magnet to the bottom of the tin. Allow the hot glue to dry before testing the magnet on a magnetic surface.

Step 4: Place Contents Inside the Tin

Place anything youd like in the tin, such as notes, passwords, USB flash drives, coins, or keys. Close the lid.

Step 5: Hide the Tin

Hide the tin in an area of your choosing, being sure it blends in with the surroundings.

Secret Compartment Challenge

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Secret Compartment Challenge