Introduction: Amiibo Cards
When Nintendo announced the amiibo cards for Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, I thought that having amiibo available to use on the go with the new 3ds would be amazing. The only problem was that Nintendo was not going to make amiibo cards for Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3ds. My solution was to make some myself.
Step 1: Materials
To make these amiibo cards, you will need:
A standard amiibo (it could be for any game)
A gift card or similarly sized and textured card (preferably without any money left (I used a Disney FastPass and I had to switch the card because the FastPass uses NFC technology that overpowered the amiibo))
A knife to open the amiibo base (the knife will have to be sharp, the knife in the picture is just for show)
Scissors to cut the image
An image for the front and back of the card (Template (I do realize I have the wrong symbol for link, this template is to help get the images to the right size))
Access to a laminator (I'm using my local FedEx store)
Step 2: Open the Amiibo Base
The first step will be to open the amiibo's base to gain access to the NFC (Near Field Communication) chip. To do this, we need to use the knife and wedge it between the gold and black parts of the amiibo base and use the knife like a crowbar to push the gold part out of the black part. You do not meed to use too much pressure because there is no glue or adhesive connecting the parts of the base.
Step 3: Put the Card Together
After you obtain the NFC chip from the amiibo,
You should prepare the paper that will be the images for both sides of your card. For this, just trace around the card so you know where to cut on the image, then snip away. Then, you will have to stick the NFC chip onto the card (it can be on either side, but i prefer the back) using the adhesive that is already on the chip. The adhesive should hold it in place until you laminate the card, which will keep everything together. I used a little bit of scotch tape to put on the images so that they won't move when I put them through the laminator.
You should prepare the paper that will be the images for both sides of your card. For this, just trace around the card so you know where to cut on the image, then snip away. Then, you will have to stick the NFC chip onto the card (it can be on either side, but i prefer the back) using the adhesive that is already on the chip. The adhesive should hold it in place until you laminate the card, which will keep everything together. I used a little bit of scotch tape to put on the images so that they won't move when I put them through the laminator.
Step 4: Final Touches
Put the card through the laminator with a business-card sized laminate. The card might have some trim around it from the laminate, but don't cut it unless you know for sure that there is a tight seal around the edges of the card. Make sure you run the card through the laminator multiple times to tighten the seal as much as you can.