Introduction: Angel

DIY Angel costume with embellished dress and embellished wings.

I found a basic white dress at a thrift store and since she wanted to be a "gold angel" for Halloween, I added a thin gold embellishment as stripes up the front of the dress (just used a glue gun).  I also hot glued a gold chiffon overskirt to the dress to make it more princess-like, and added a snowflake brooch to dress it up a little bit.  Her wings already had the gold design, but they were too small so I cut them apart and glued them to a foam block (I actually cut apart a foam aluminum can cozy).  I then covered the block in boa feathers, added boa feathers to the outside edge of her wings, and purchased a boa feather halo that just happen to match perfectly.  I curled her hair and used a thin paintbrush with water based facepaints to do the angel wing design on her face.

Halloween Photo Instructable Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Photo Instructable Contest

Halloween Easy Costumes Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Easy Costumes Contest