Introduction: Angel Eye Using Torch Light
Buying traditional angel eye costs more. So I tried to make this of my own and I succeeded. This costs less than we expect.
Step 1: Parts Needed
1 X Old torch light
1 X 1watt white Led
1 X 7805 regulator IC
1 X 10 ohms resistor
1 X 1watt white Led
1 X 7805 regulator IC
1 X 10 ohms resistor
Step 2: Tools Needed
1)Soldering Iron
2)Black spray can
3)Screw driver
4)current tape
2)Black spray can
3)Screw driver
4)current tape
Step 3: Disassembling the Torch
Disassemble the torch as shown in the pictures.
Step 4: Painting the Glass
Make a circle at middle of the glass and paint it with black colour.
Step 5: Painting the Body
I used spray can to paint the body. After the paint is dried I used clear coat so that it shines.
Step 6: Heatsink to Led
I don't have a heat-sink so I decided to make my own with a small aluminium sheet and combined with heatsink paste and finally glued with fewikwik.
Step 7: Mounting LED to the Reflector
Mount the led to the reflector and glue it.
Step 8: The Circuit
Solder the circuit as shown in the diagram.
Step 9: Mounting the Circuit
Mount the circuit and apply current tape to avoid short circuit.
Step 10: Assembling the Torch
After assembling the torch it looks great.
Step 11: Testing the Light..
Connect the wires to 12v battery and test it.
Step 12: Final Product
After fitting to my bike it looks great...
My another instructable: