Introduction: Animated LED Sign Board Without Programming

About: please visit my youtube channel Technoreview85 for more DIY project.I make new project regularly link--

It is an electronic project without programming or any micro controller

you can make your own customized word's led sing board using this circuit

in this project I have used shift resistor IC 74ls164 and IC 555 for animation. you can make led board with 8 letter words

I make in my project "WELCOME " word it is 7 letter word.

All components of this project are available at

Project video link -

Step 1: You Need to Make

All parts are available at

Parts list -

LED - 5mm Buy

IC - 555 Buy

IC -7805 Buy

IC - 74LS164 Buy

IC - ic base 8 pin Buy

14 pin Buy

Diode - 1N4148 Buy

Transistor bc547 b

or 548 b Buy

Capacitor - 0.01 Buy

10uf/50v Buy

Potentiometer 100K Buy

Resistor - 10K Buy

1K Buy

33K Buy

680E Buy

DC socket Buy

vero board Buy

& 12 volt adapter for power source.

Step 2: Making LED Board

I make in my project "WELCOME " word it is 7 letters word

you can make your own customized word's led sing board using this circuit up to 8 letters words

All led's positive & negative pins are connected with etch other (per letter)

negative pins are goes to collector pin of transistor Positive pins are connected with 680 ohm resistor & all resistors goes to 12 volt positive

if your word are big & you are using more LEDs in per letter then use resistor lower than 680 ohm.

for bigger sign board you can use a separate power supply for led board.

Step 3: Making Controller Board & Joining to LED Board

IC - 74LS164 & IC 555 runs on 5v volt so I used here a 5 voltage regulator IC 7805

Potentiometer 100K connected to pin 6&7 of timer IC can control animation speed using this Potentiometer

8 piece 547b transistor used for drive the leds & another one transistor 547b for reset pin

now make circuit using circuit diagram on a vero board

after that join transistors collector pin to led board's negative pin of each letter

& join 12 volt positive to led board positive where all 680 ohm resistors is connected.

power it with 12 volt 1 amp dc power adapter.

for more details please watch making video -

visit my blog post of this project