Introduction: Anti Theft Wallet/Purse Alarm

About: Retired Air Force and Retired from my Appliance Repair Business. Love to make things. Outdoors, Boats and Motorcycle Riding

A simple to make wallet or purse alarm. Safe guard your property while out in public. Better safe that sorry.

Step 1: Items Needed

Buy a small window or door alarm from the dollar store and also purchase a strong earth magnet about 10 to 12 MM in diameter. You can buy the earth magnets at Home Depot or your local Hardware store.

Step 2: Install Magnet an Alarm

1. Make a lanyard and attach it to the wallet.

2. Attach the magnet to the end of the lanyard.

3. Secure the alarm in the pocket the wallet is in with two sided tape.

Step 3: Demo of Idea

The strong magnet eliminates the need to have the magnet and alarm touch as noted on video.

This idea can work on purses as well, with the exception of the alarm placement.

The alarm would have to be outside the purse positioned near the magnet.