Introduction: Apple Por-tab-le

About: Hello all

Here's a simple portable station to store your apple products and also an apple.

Step 1: Whatcha Need: Tons of Cardboard, Glue, Tape, Colour Paper and Etc.

Step 2: Put All Cardboard Together.

Stick the cardboard to each other according to the picture.

Step 3: Fold It Up.

Fold it up according to the picture.

Step 4: Add All the Segments.

Add all the segments according to the picture.

Step 5: Decorate It All You Want.

Decoration is yours.

Step 6:

Papercraft Contest

Participated in the
Papercraft Contest

Portable Workstations Contest

Participated in the
Portable Workstations Contest

Full Spectrum Laser Contest

Participated in the
Full Spectrum Laser Contest