Introduction: April Fool's Day Contest: a Simple Computer Prank That Will Shut Down the Computer

A computer prank that will shut down the intended computer in a set amount of time and display a message of your choice! Perfect to play on the curious-minded.
Warning: Make sure that there aren't any important downloads or documents running at the time of activation. If there are, tell the victim how to cancel it (explained at the end of the instructable).
NOTE: Will only work with Vista.
NOTENOTE: I will NEVER clean up my desktop! :D

Step 1: Prank Settings

Right click on the desktop, select 'New' and click create shortcut.
In the window that pops up, type in:
shutdown.exe -s -t 120 -c "Your computer has committed suicide, have a nice day."

The number behind the -c is the time in seconds that the computer will shut down in, you can put in any amount here. If there isn't anything important going on, select a short time such as 5 seconds or so. If there IS something important, set it to a longer time such as 120 seconds or more so that you have time to deactivate it.
In between the quotation marks, write a message such as 'WARNING: VIRUS DETECTED: BEGIN SHUTDOWN IN 60 SECONDS'.

Step 2: Naming the Shortcut

In the window, enter the name for your prank shortcut. Remember that if you change your mind, you can always change it when it's on the desktop.

Step 3: Activating It

The icon will appear on the desktop. To activate it, simply double-click. The message will pop up and in the amount of time you set after that, the computer will automatically shut down.

Step 4: Deactivating

If you need to deactivate the script, go to 'Run' and type in shutdown -a.
The Instructables Book Contest

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The Instructables Book Contest

April Fools' Speed Contest

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April Fools' Speed Contest