Introduction: Audio Signal Processing Using Filter (LP, HP, BP, BS) | MATLAB Tutorial
In this instructable, we are showing how to apply filters (Low pass filter, high pass filter, band pass filter and band stop filter) on lively recorded voice.
Step 1: Clear Close Commands
clc (Clear window command)
clear all (To clear all written commands)
close all (To close all open tabs)
Step 2: Record Audio Using Microphone
Record your lively audio for filtering using microphone.
recordblocking(recording, 5);
Here, 5 is seconds of audio recording.
Step 3: Type Order of Filter and Sampling Frequency
Specify the order of filter and sampling frequency.
Here, N=8 order of filter
and Fc=0.2 sampling frequency
Step 4: Highpass Filter
Step 5: Record Audio
Wait for 'Speak' and start recording for five seconds and Stop when 'Stop' is display.
Step 6: Result of High Pass Filter
Frequency Response and Filtered result before and after apply filter.
Step 7: Low Pass Filter
Step 8: Results of Low Pass Filter
Frequency Response and Filtered result before and after apply filter.
Step 9: Band Pass Filter
Step 10: Result of Band Pass Filter
Frequency Response.
Step 11: Band Stop Filter
Step 12: Frequency Response of Band Stop Filter
Frequency Response.
Step 13: Complete Video Tutorial
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