Introduction: Summer Dress DIY || FREE PATTERN

About: I´m a mexican fashion designer & i love sharing pretty DIYs with free patterns.

Summer dres DIY || FREE PATTERN

Step 1: Backless Dress || FREE PATTERN


1m de tela | 1m fabric

tijeras | scissors

alfileres | pins

hilo | thread

1cm x 1.5m resorte | 1cm x 1.5m elastic

maquina de coser | sewing machine

Step 2: Patterns Order || Orden De Patrones

Download the patterns and glue them together in this order || Descarga los patrones y únelos en este orden.

Step 3: Seam Allowance

Los patrones no incluyen cm de costura. Agrega 1cm de costura en la línea rosa y 2cm en la línea azul || The patterns do not include seam allowance. Add 1cm on the pink line and 2cm on the blue line.

Step 4: Download the Patterns || Descarga Los Patrones

DIY Dress Contest

Runner Up in the
DIY Dress Contest