Introduction: Bacon Pecan Sticky Buns

Bacon... Butter...Cinnamon...Pecans....mmmmmm...  what more could you ask for?

This is a slightly lazy version. But holy crap is it good!!!!
Instead of making my own puff pastry dough, I used canned Crescent Rolls. Don't judge.

Step 1: The Process Step 1

Mix some Brown Sugar and Ground Cinnamon together in a bowl. (maybe sneak a bite;)

In a separate bowl melt some Salted Butter. (it smells so good!)

Then lay out your rectangles of dough. (I like to pinch the diagonals closed, but it's not really necessary)

Smother those happy little rectangles with some of that warm butter :)

Step 2: Next Step

Sprinkle those buttery little guys with a good heap of that cinnamon sugar :)

Then fold them in half for another dose!

Step 3: Another Step

More Butter!

More Cinnamon Sugar!

Then start to roll them up!

Step 4: Wait!


Before you roll those little dude up, and a strip (or two) of Mostly Cooked Bacon!

Now You can roll them up and place into a buttered pan:)

Step 5: Another Yummy Step

Stuff as many Scrumptious Pecans on top as you can! They are soooo good!

Then top with the remaining butter and cinnamon sugar :)

Toss those bad boys into the oven at 375 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. I can't wait!!!!

Step 6: Oh Boy It's Eatin' Time!

Try to give them a few minutes to cool down. Those babies are hot!

Bacon Contest

Participated in the
Bacon Contest