Introduction: Basic Hairbraiding

Hello, my name is Sha'Sha Middleton and I am going to give you a brief introduction to hair braiding. This technique can be used for various lengths of hair, across ethnicities and genders.


  1. Comb
  2. Detangler (if needed)
  3. Three (3) strands/or sections of hair

Step 1: Detangle Hair

1.Using comb, completely detangle the hair

Step 2: Section Hair

Part a section of hair for braiding

Step 3: Seperate Hair Into Three Sections

Divide hair into three (3) seperate strands

Step 4: Begin Braiding

Cross left strand over middle strand and right strand over middle strand

Step 5: Continue Braiding

Repeat step #4 with right strand crossing over middle strand and then left strand crossing over the middle strand

Step 6: Finish and Style

Continue braiding until there is no hair left or style as desired.