Introduction: Basics: Join Plastic - #2 Tubing

About: always had a deep connection with junk. drawn to it, magically, from childhood on. spent the nights as a boy roaming the streets and looking for trash to take back home. spent # 2 most of my allowance on the l…



, this shows how you can turn a sheet of plastic in some kind of tube.

(ps, see also ) ,



Step 1: Material and Tools:



, any kind of flexible plastic works. to demonstrate the technique i pulled a milk-bottle out of the trash.


__ anything to cut the plastic with (here a pocket-knife)

__ a source of heat and an object to transfer the heat with (here: a soldering-iron.... but if you are out in the wild etc: a campfire and some metal-object like a nail, fork, wire, kinfe etc etc works too),



Step 2: Gut (get) Some Plastic:



,here i cut out the even ´belly´ of a no.2 plastic bottle,



Step 3: Unbottled:



,for mere demonstration i keep it simple: this piece will do. (but, obviously, you can use any size of plastic, from any source, as long as you can bend it easily... see next step:),



Step 4: Roll It Up:



,whatever diameter you wish: roll the sheet up into

(the more layers/windings you got the better for the next step:),



Step 5: Weld It:



,carefully trace a soldering-iron lenght-wise along the tube.

you wanna burn in a seam without actually cutting through to the very inside, thus through, the tube. (see above: the more ´meat´ you got to h/eat into: the easier & stronger. example: lets say you have 6 windings in total, burn down to about the half)

if you do a clean weld/seam the resulting tube will be water-proof,



Step 6: Done



, i post this basic technique here because in future projects i will come back to it as a component. i like modular approaches.

if you have and questions or critique etc: more than welcome.

thank you all.


