Introduction: Bed Bugs Killer Spray!!!
You're tortured with dirty bedbugs?
Here's the Solution!!!
!!!Bedbugs Killer Spray!!!
I used one month this spray
Its really Works!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Step 1: Things Will Gonna Need
2.Dish Washing Liquid Soap
3.Clorox Bleach works better I,d used hirex
Step 2: The Measurement of Liquids
2 cups of water
1/2 Dish washing liquid
1 Cup of Clorox bleach
and shake the bottle!!!!
Step 3: Ready!!!
The bedbug killer spray is ready
Step 4: Best Way to Use:
you can use in coners of your bed , mattress ,sofas, under the tables , wardrobe and other sides of your home.
!!!!!! keep away from clothes and children !!!