Introduction: Beer Bottle Cap Magnets

About: I love anything craft or fandom related. (Both combined is the best)

These are easy, fast refrigerator magnets, great for gifts or just for fun. If you want to buy some from me, here is the link to buy them:

I hope you enjoy this Instructable!

Step 1: Materials

What you'll need:

Beer bottle cap

Thin slice of cork (it's easier to buy them at a craft store then cut your own)

Hot glue


Step 2: Cutting the Cork

Begin by cutting your cork into thin slices (unless you bought them instead).

Tip: use a clip to hold your cork in place while you cut it.

Step 3: Glueing

Use hot glue to glue the cork inside the beer bottle cap, then glue the magnet onto the cork. You need the cork in between because hot glue does NOT stick to beer bottle caps or cork, I've tried many times.

Step 4: Finished

Your beer bottle cap magnets are now finished! Enjoy.

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