Introduction: Best Ever Caesar Salad

About: From NSW, Australia. I have a bad habit of just making stuff for the sake of making something. I LOVE to cook, eat and make anything i can think up. I have 2 budgies and 4 adult guinea pigs and 1 baby.
This caesar salad will be loved by friends and family and total strangers.

It has taken me a long time to perfect cooking times and quantities. Because all stoves are different, you will have to figure the cooking times out yourself!

Recommended quantities:
1 large chicken breast
4 large bacon rashers
10 large cos lettuce leaves
4 slices of bread (soy and linseed is best)
Tartare sauce
Mayonnaise (egg mayo is best)

Step 1: Bacon

The bacon is the part of the salad that has a salty flavour and slightly chewy but crisp texture.

The bacon needs to be cut up into small squares and cooked on a high heat until cooked then turned to low to turn brown

Step 2: Chicken

The chicken is the meaty and juicy addition to your salad.

You must dice your chicken too and cook on a high heat till slightly browned. Put a lid on the pan while cooking to stop the meat from drying out!

Step 3: Croutons

The croutons are the crunchy part of you salad.

Bread is cut into squares and sprayed with oil on all sides and cooked on high heat till brown and crunchy!

Step 4: Lettuce

The lettuce is the base of the salad.

Shred your lettuce and place in a bowl or on a plate.

Step 5: Dressing

Add 2 parts tartare sauce to 2 part mayo. Mix. Add a dash of milk to make dressing runny.

Step 6: Assemble

Starting with the lettuce as your base, add all ingredients on top of the lettuce. Drizzle dressing on and enjoy!!!