Introduction: Better Than UNCRUSTABLES (Hack) 3 Ways

About: I'm "retired", and now have time for all the creative things I've done since I was a child. I especially like anything with texture.....fabric, wood, glass, stones....even rusty objects. I have a LARGE fabric…
My kids loved (and probably still do) Smuckers know the crustless peanut butter, and jelly sandwich found in the freezer section of your grocery store. Unfortunately, the cost, and packaging made me cringe.

We bought a set of these dough presses, and I started making my own at home for a fraction of the cost. I checked the price of a box of 4 Uncrustables today, and they are selling for $4.49

Step 1: Step 1 Gather Ingredients

Soft bread as many pieces as you want sandwiches.

Peanut butter

Jelly or Jam


Dough press

Melted butter or margarine (I used a spray margarine)

Step 2: Step 2 Assemble

Spread a THIN layer of peanut butter on the center of the bread (it's too heavy in my picture) followed by a small amount of jam, or jelly. Don't go all the way to the edge or it might not stick, and will certainly make a mess

Position the bread in the middle of the dough press. I found it helpful to push down in the middle where it will fold slightly. My Daughter used to cut away part of the crust prior to folding, but I don't find that necessary.

Step 3: Step 3 PRESS

Now is the fun part......Pressing the 2 halves of the dough press together. Your PB&J is now fully sealed.

While the sandwich is still in the press remove any excess bread. You can save that in the freezer to make croutons, or bread crumbs.

At this point your Uncrustable can be served.......OR make up a bunch, and wrap each in plastic wrap, and then put them all in a zip top bag, and store in the freezer. You can take a couple out at a time, and send to school with the kids, they will be thawed out by lunch time. 

Step 4: Step 4 Make Them BETTER

My Granddaughter said her friends Mom "cooks" her PB&J, so that got me thinking. I sprayed both sides with spray margarine (you could brush with melted butter or margarine) and BROILED the Uncrustable, turning once when the first side was browned.

They're GREAT......crisp, warm, and not messy at all.

You could use powdered, or granulated sugar on the top.