Introduction: Biscuit Cake- No Bake Cake You Can't Stop Eat It.

Amazing, Tasty, delishes beautiful and with out bake biscuit cake you can't stop eat it.

Step 1: Materials

1. 160 grams of pudding

2. whipping cream 500 milliliter

3. cup of milk

4. Mascarpone cheese 25%

5. 500 grams of careml biscuits.

6. chocolate (not mandatory)

Step 2: Preparation

1. put all the meterils except of the chocolate,and the biscuits in the mixer until we get a cream.

2. put the cream in the fridge helf hour.

3. take a plate and put there milk, dip the biscuits in the milk and put them in pirks template, put the cream all over the biscuit, do it four times, the top of the cake is cream.

4. you can put on the cake grated chocolate.

5. bon appetit.

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