Introduction: Blood Effect That Is Washable and Eatable for Halloween and Day of the Dead

About: Kentkb aka Kent K. Barnes. Husband , Father and Grandfather. Tinkerer and Maker . Life long curiosity in how things work. Tech bon vivant. Favorite toy as a kid: a brass and steel wind up alarm clock that wa…
I work at the San Francisco Opera and we use a blood on stage filmed in high definition that looks great and is eatable and washable too.
 This recipe is all made from all store bought items.

My good friend Jim Holden is the "Blood PathoJim" we call him, and is shown mixing a batch up in our Prop Shop.
Browse the shows photo gallery and find the blood!

Step 1: Ingredient List

Corn Syrup---- (2L) 8.5 cups
Chocolate Syrup---- (500mL) 2 cups, 2 tbsp
Water---- (500mL) 2 cups +/-
Corn Starch---- 2 tbsp (heaping)
Coffee Mate---- (yes!) 3 tbsp (heaping) This makes it Washable....
Red Food Coloring---- (15mL)  3 tsb
Yellow Food Coloring---- (3mL) little more than 1/2 tsp.

Step 2: Mix Ingredients in Pan

Pour the Corn and Chocolate syrups into the pan and start to heat on medium setting.

Step 3: Corn Starch and Coffee Mate

Use one cup of cold water to dissolve corn starch.
One cup of hot water to dissolve Coffee Mate.
 Add to pot.

Start bringing  pot to a slow boil.

Step 4:

Add food Coloring and bring to a boil.
 I found that I could add the coloring to the warm Coffee Mate/water cup step was fine too.

Step 5: Stir All Ingredients and Bring to Rolling Boil.

I use a big pot and bring to a boil stirring and mixing all ingredients to a Lovely Bloody mess!

 You do not have to cook very much, but the high heat dose seem to combine the ingredients better than no heat.

This makes about 3 Liters or just over 3 quarts of Blood, You may 1/2 all ingredients for a smaller batch.

 The Coffee Mate is what makes this washable and every performance of Salome we mop down the white stage and launder all blood soaked costumes to be used again and again....

Did I tell you that we served it on Ice Cream opening day!