Introduction: Blow Your Mind, With an Alarm Clock!

About: I'm tall.

This is a trick for anyone who wants to make funny noises and see funny things. Other than that, this instructable is kinda hard to describe. So read on, viewer!

Step 1: The Right Ticker.

First, you're going to need a clock, and not just any clock. The ideal is an digital AC POWERED clock. AC powered clocks plug into the wall. I find that clocks with big, red digits work best.

This trick will not work with DC POWERED clocks. (i.e. atomic clocks, watches, potato clocks, etc.)
DC powered clocks use batteries only.

Step 2: The Face!

The most important step, because it is really the only step.

1) RELAX your face, slightly close your jaw, and blow. It should sound like a gust of wind.

2) While blowing, FORCE your lips together. The result will sound like a cross between a machine gun and a fart.

If you're struggling, search "How to Blow Into a Trumpet Mouthpiece" . It should help.

If you still have problems, wash your face with warm water. this will help relax.

If you STILL can't do this, then buy one of these things.

If you don't want one, then read the comments below, the community seems to have really good alternate ideas.

Step 3: Gaze at Clock

Do step 2, and look at your clock. It should look like the picture below. The more air pressure you exert, the more the numbers dance around.

I hope this works for you, and feel free to ask any questions!

...and don't forget to rate!

..and breathe!!