Introduction: Bose Headphones Ear Cushions Replacement

I was tired to have to buy new ear cushions each year for my Bose QC35 headphones, so I decided to create new ones


To do this you will need :

  • Your old ear cushions
  • Pieces of fabric of dimension 28cm x 6.5cm
  • A needle and some sewing thread
  • Some pins (to fasten the fabric)
  • A good set of scissors

Step 1: Get the Cushion Foam & Mount

Dismount the ear cushions then extract the inside foam from the cover. Put the foam and the cover (with its mounting ring) aside, you will need them later.

Step 2: Prepare the Fabric

Cut your fabric at the given dimensions : lenght 28cm (11in) x width 6.5cm (2.55in).

Make 2cm (0.75in) long cuts every 2cm on the two longest side.

Step 3: Make a Ribbon Ring

Sew both side of the fabric together with the inside out, leaving only 5mm of margin.

When done, turn the fabric outside out.

Step 4: Put the Foam Inside

Put the foam inside the fabric and centre it.

For each small cut in the fabric, bring one end over the other, folding to 5mm for sewing.

Make everything hold together with pins. It will help you to adjust the cushion size. Make sure that all folds form a continuous line behind the ring (see picture with all the pins).

The cushion diameter will be a little bigger that the original headphones cushion.

Step 5: Sew the Folds Behind the Cushion

Pinch each fold and sew by hand (see SlipStiching! here)

Step 6: Get the Mounting Ring

Cut the outter part (part that normally touches your ear) of the original ear cushion cover at the mounting ring.

Then cut the inside part (part with the holes) leaving 5mm to the mounting part.

Step 7: Attach the Mounting Ring

Sew the mounting ring on your home made ear cushion. Make sure to follow the previous sew line you did on step 5.

In the end, the mounting ring should have given the cushion its specific shape.

Step 8: Install Your New Ear Cushions

See there if you need help.