Introduction: Box Made From Wood Shims - Version 2
Version 2 of a box made from wood shims. Version 1 here:
Just a slightly different way of building the walls of the box.
Step 1: Parts/techniques
The parts needed for this project are:
- Wood glue (regular glue would do ok too)
- Spring clams or C-clamps
- 4 or 5 packs of wood shims, depending on how high you want to build it.
- Duct tape (not shown)
- Be sure to review the concept of the double-glue joint here:
Step 2: How to Glue the Wood Shims Together
- Take 2 wood shims and draw out a line of glue on each one.
- Using a paintbrush or your finger, smooth the lines out so that the glue is spread out evenly.
- Left both sides dry completely.
- Once both sides are dry, repeat the process on one of the shims, putting the new glue over the dried glue.
- Using the C-clamps or spring clamps, squeeze the 2 shims together to get a nice tight double-glue joint.
- If any excess glue comes out, smooth it out with your finger.
- If there are gaps between the shims, fill in with additional glue after the shims are securely glued together and dried.
Step 3: Make Base of Box
- Using Step 2 instructions, use make 6 glued shims made up of 2 shims each.
- Line them up and use duct tape to securely tape them together.
Step 4: Glue First Crosspiece
- Using a piece of duct tape, tape the wood shims together temporarily.
- Using a brush or your finger, put a thin film of glue across the shims.
- Using 2 more shims, glue them together as in Step 2 to create your crosspiece.
- Now put a thin film of glue on the crosspiece side that is going to attach to the base.
- Let the glue on both the base and the crosspiece dry.
Step 5: Attach Crosspiece
- Once the glue on both side has dried, glue the first crosspiece down. The dried glue on both sides should make a strong double-glue joint.
- Clamp down both sides.
Step 6: Fill in Spaces and Repeat
- After the crosspiece is dried, fill in the spaces between with glue.
- Repeat the gluing process from the previous step with a 2nd crosspiece
Step 7: Build Up Walls of Box
- Once the 2 base crosspieces are in place, glue a 3rd crosspiece (2 wood shims glued together) connecting the base pieces. Use the double glue joint technique throughout.
- Repeat this process for the 4th, 5th and so on to slowly build up the walls of the box to about 6 inches or so.
- Fill in spaces between layers with additional glue to increase the strength.
Step 8: Paint the Box
- Painting is optional
- If you do paint it, be sure to paint in between the individual pieces of wood so that it gives it a consistent color