Introduction: Branch and Feathers Hanging Decor

About: Hi there everyone! I'm a translator and crafter from Chile, living next to the gorgeous mountain range Cordillera de los Andes in Santiago. I love crafts! I started with bijouterie, then embroidery (lanigrafía…

Hello everyone! Please, do not cut or damage trees! Pick your branches from the ground. I selected mine from our plum tree my brother had pruned... or go foraging in the park, woods, backcountry, etc. (It's a wonderful way to enjoy nature, by the way!) You can ask branches from your neighbor's pruning too if it's the season. Once at home, trim twigs that disturb or you don't want. Also clean or wash your branches and let dry... you wouldn't want dirt or bird poo in your craft! Bugs either...

I hope you enjoy doing this craft as much as I did... I saw this on youtube and adapted mine with the materials I had. You can notice my feathers are all different, since I picked them from 2 different places. The smaller are queltehue (vanellus chilensis) feathers, a very common bird in Peñalolén where I live, next to the mountains, it's a suburbia district in Santiago. The central one is a seagull feather I found on vacation in Pichilemu, a town by the sea. But if you don't have the chance to gather feathers, you can buy online or in craft stores.


Materials you need:

3 medium size branches


glue (optional)

3 feathers

2 sea glasses (optional)

2 quartz crystal (optional)

thin copper wire (0,4 mm or similar gauge)

wooden and/or acrylic beads of your choice

Step 1: Assembling

First assemble two branches in a V shape, but inverted. I glued the branches but this is optional. Tie up firmly using your twine; of course you can use yarn or another kind of string to attach.

Cut a long piece of thin copper wire. Wrapp a piece of sea glass and, without cutting, wrapp the second sea glass and then attach where the branches are joined. It has to hang shorter than your inverted V. This step is optional too, you can use big beads, stones or simply skip this part.

Step 2: Closing Triangle

Take the third branch and, before closing the triangle, add the hanging decors. Tie up a central feather, you can glue the twine/yarnl/string to secure it better. Add an acrylic bead (color of your choice, I lchose brown since it's an earthy color) and one or two wooden beads. Repeat this with the other 2 feathers. I just eyeball the distance, but you can measure with a ruler if you want to be more precise.

Now cut another 2 pieces of wire and wrapp the 2 quartz crystal. Tie them up among the feathers.

Step 3: Enjoy Your Craft! ♥

Now cut another 2 pieces of wire and wrapp the 2 quartz crystal. Tie them up among the feathers.

Finally, close the triangle tying up this last third branch. And last, but not least, hang your nature mobile/decor.

That's all... take care and greetings from Chile!