Introduction: Brick From Cardboard ( Paperboard Lego )

I put a task to myself to design an "easy to make" brick, from which you can build amazing things (like doll house, castle or just painting wall etc) And especially be able to recycle material ... I found as a best material for this project 1mm (cca.) thick cardboard, which you can find almost everywhere. But you can use also other materials like paper (the hard one is better) or something foldable.

For designing i used software from Autodesk - Fusion 360. You can download this software for free if you are hobbyist.

Step 1: Tools

You will need:

  • Stapler (to be faster) or Glue (hot gun glue) or Double Sided Stick Tape
  • Tape (any kind)
  • Scissors
  • Cardboard with 1-2mm thick walls

Step 2: Print, Glue, Cut

See attached file LAYOUT and print it out.

Glue it on paperboard (1mm or 2mm) (find a small box from trash).

Cut shapes according LAYOUT.

There are dashed lines to see where to bend.

Step 3: Assembly It With Stapler and Tape

Assembly parts by most fastest way with using stapler. (You can use both sided tape for better result).

Use tape and finish it.

Step 4: Be Creative Make Anything !!

This is only instruction for building an element of the bricks. Fix more bricks together with tape to have whole Construction Kit. During the time i will create some bricks from more elements like this.

Join me and CREATE whatever you want with PAPERBRICKS.


Stick It! Contest

Participated in the
Stick It! Contest