Introduction: BrickBoot

Augie’s Tinkercad and Instructables Contest Entry - BRICKBOOT

Augie’s grandfather, Sid Gates, is an Air Force veteran who is an engineer and flew fighter jets for the Air Force in the 1950s. For the past 50 years he has been an avid remote control aircraft enthusiast who has designed, built and flown dozens of aircraft. Augie has always been impressed by his great-grandfather, PaPa (as we call him), and his ability to learn and apply new technology. He even has his own YouTube channel! Sid first introduced Augie to 3D modeling and now uses a 3-D printer to design and build all kinds of things at 87 years old. PaPa sent both Augie and I the link for the contest and encouraged us to enter. As his home school teacher for 5th grade, I asked Augie to create a "Silly Solution" Instructable. I asked him to identify a problem he faced regularly, then design a solution it. Augie was inspired to try his hand at building something he found useful…. Enter the BrickBoot.

Augie is a HUGE Lego fan and is constantly building masterpieces of all kinds. Unfortunately he, nor his parents, are the biggest fans of cleaning them up, nor stepping on Legos in the middle of the night! Augie is a great kid who LOVES to finish his chores quickly, so he invented the “BrickBoot” a quick and easy way for he and his siblings to scoop up legos without stepping on them!

The BrickBoot is designed to slide over your foot like a shoe, so you can shuffle across your floor to scoop up stray Legos in a jiffy!

Augie’s teacher and parent: As Augie’s first entry into the world of Instructables and Tinkercad, I'm incredibly proud of him for being inventive, creative and persistent as he learned how to use the tools and build an instructable lesson online. We hope you enjoy his creation and find even more ways to find solutions for turning your chores into something fun! NOTE: Augie designed, built and wrote this ENTIRE Instructable HIMSELF. TinkerCad and Instructables have sparked a passion in him to create and share ideas that he can use to help and bring joy to others!


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Design flair :-)

Step 1:

Step 1: Create 2 rectangles about the size and width of your foot, and make them ¾ of an inch tall. There should be an inch of space vertically between them, one on the top, and one on the bottom.

Create a rectangle 8 inches long and about 70% of the length of your other rectangles, then place it in the middle of your other rectangles like ice cream in an ice cream sandwich (Sorry, I’m hungry!). It should be at the front edge, so the bricks can slip in. You will know if you did it right if you can see the striped surface at the front.

Step 2:

Step 2: Next, make a wedge as wide as your foot, but 3 inches long and make sure to rotate it to slope down from the lower rectangle to the floor, like a shovel.

Step 3:

Step 3: Create two rectangles that are 2.4 inches long, 0.4 inches wide, and ⅞ of an inch high. Next, make two triangles on top of the rectangles that are the same dimension as the rectangles, except that they are ¾ of an inch high. Line these connected shapes up with the main part of the shoe, and connect them so that it is on top of the wedge, but on the sides, so it can still keep the bricks from falling off the sides of the wedge.

Step 4:

Step 4 : Add a tube that is wide and tall enough for your foot to fit through (mine was 0.4 inches wide) of an inch long, and as wide as the bigger rectangles, and make sure it is a little bit taller then your shoe, and then put it 2/9 of the length of the top rectangle, and partly sink it in, so that when you put it on your foot, it will slide on like a sandal.

Next, you should add a rectangle with the same measurements as the ones in Step 1, except it should be about an inch tall. slide it into the part with the hole so that no bricks fall out the back and sides. Then add a rectangle as wide as your foot and 2 and ⅛ inches tall and attach it to the very back of your boot, then add a wedge with the same measurements, except that it is 1 inch tall. Place it on top of your rectangle with the taller side facing your heel.

Optional: You can add a ball and socket joint with a thin rectangle to keep it from coming back out. Simply add a ball and socket, then put the socket’s back into the front of the top rectangle. Make your rectangle the size of the remaining uncovered wedge. If you want to add text to the side, then just open Basic Shapes on the right-hand side and choose text, then type what you want it to say, and then you can choose to resize it and place it on your boot. You might also want to consider treads made out of the cremallera shape. Just make it the width and length of your foot, and you should make it 1/10 of a inch tall.

Step 5:

Customize to your feet and style!

I guess this is about it for instructions, but remember you can always improve something. Thanks for reading my directions for building a BrickBoot -- happy building and cleaning!

CLICK HERE to see the entire design and build your own!!!

Distance Learning with Tinkercad Contest

Participated in the
Distance Learning with Tinkercad Contest