Introduction: Bubble Bath Reminder

OK, OK, I know.... nobody needs a bubble bath reminder... but is fun to have one long, relaxing bath tub right? even if is not with bubbles it still is a good experience that we want to repeat ... but.... a busy lifestyle... other important people in our lives takes priorities over our already tight schedule... and maybe, just maybe... we need a silent reminder of a good old bubble bath .

Step 1: Materials

medium size glass jar with an big opening, (I used a salsa jar) blue and gold paint, tap water, rubbing alcohol, liquid hand soap (not showing) small rubber duck.

Step 2: Materials

napkin holder, candle, lighter, stickers, piece of ribbon.

Step 3: Paint

the outside of the jar lid in gold.

Step 4: Blue

paint will go on the inside of the jar lid.

Step 5: Fill

Fill the jar with tap water. Tip: at this time is good to check that the duck is going to float straight; close the lid and turn it upside down, If it does not float evenly squeeze any water that went inside the rubber duck and glue a penny at the bottom of it preventing water to go inside.

Step 6: Add

a little of rubbing alcohol, to preserve the water.

Step 7: Add

a drop or two of liquid hand soap to make the bubbles.

Step 8: Drop

the small rubber duck.

Step 9: Hold

the jar on the napkin holder by side; light up the candle, and drop some wax around the lid of the jar to avoid any water leakage.

Step 10: Turn

the jar upside down in a rapid movement to hold the duck straight, shake a little to make the bubbles appear.

Step 11: Tie

a ribbon to cover the wax and put some stickers for the finishing touches. Now, put it where you can see it once in a while. Enjoy!
Epilog Challenge

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Epilog Challenge