Introduction: Build a Truck Out of Cardboard

In this project, I am going to build a Model truck out of cardboard.

Standard 20: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use construction technologies.


-Develop and produce a product as an engineering design.

-Structures can include pre-fabricated materials

Learning Objectives:

-Students can use some useless things to design their own things.

-Students can understand the structure of a truck

Target audience:

This project is mainly for students from grade 9 to grade 12. The students in those grades already have a lot of design experience and I hope they can have more good ideas.

Step 1: Step 1: Prepare Materials and Tools

-2 Cardboard boxes





-Liquid glue

-Scotch tape


Cost estimation:

-2 Cardboard boxes ...................Free

-Scissor .................$4.2

-Pencil ................Free

-Ruler ................Free

-Eraser ...............Free

-Liquid glue .............$3.2

-Scotch tape .................$2.2

-Paper ................Free

Step 2: Step 2: Sketching & Planning

Before we start to make our project, we need to draw a picture of what we want to do. I will make the body, the front and the wheels out of cardboard.

Step 3: Step 3: Draw Our Pieces

We have drawn the pieces we need in planning. Now we need to measure them on the cardboard.

What we need:

- two 13cm x 16cm

- two 13cm x 12cm

- four 12cm x 16cm

- a big square minus a small square for two (16cm x 16cm - 8cm x 8cm)

- four 8cm x 12cm

- 6 circles with a diameter of 7cm

Step 4: Step 4: Cut Out Pieces

Once we finished our drawing, we need to cut out the pieces.

The body is made up of six different pieces:

-two 13cm x 16cm

-two 13cm x 12cm

-two 12cm x 16cm

The length is 16cm, the width is 12cm and the height are 13cm.

The head is made up of eight different pieces:

- two 12cm x 16cm
- a big square minus a small square for two (16cm x 16cm - 8cm x 8cm)

- four 8cm x 12cm

Also, we need to cut 6 circles with a diameter of 7cm for wheels.

Step 5: Step 5: Assemble the Pieces

Once we have our all pieces, we can start to assemble them and glue them together. I used scotch tape to assemble the body and the head. Then, I use liquid glue to connect the body, the head and 6 wheels.

Step 6: Step 6: Painting & DIY

I chosen to use paper to cover the cardboard, because the scotch tape makes the model looks not very nice. Also, I could paint in the paper, such as windows and doors. I added NCSU to the car body to make it look more natural. Again, I paint the wheel hub on the wheel.

After this, We are done!