Introduction: Building a Birdhouse
For this instructable, I will be showing you the steps to building your own model birdhouse.
Step 1:
The first step is to figure out a design you want to build.
Step 2:
The next Step is to find your rough measurements.
Step 3:
Thirdly you should have another person check your math and finalize your dimensions.
Step 4:
Your fourth step is to enter your rough dimensions into a program to prepare for printing.
Step 5:
Then you print out your shapes or cut them out depending on your resources.
Step 6:
Next, you put together your raw house and find what works and what doesn't. Don't fear if at first, the pieces don't fit together mine didn't.
Step 7:
Once you find what fits and what doesn't you can reprint the pieces and try again.
Step 8:
Now that you have your final rough draft house and your perfect shapes you are ready to cut our your final product.
Step 9:
Be careful to know what way to adhere the individual pieces together so they fit together better in the final product.
Step 10:
Once your house is built you can paint your house and add details and paint it. For mine, I simply painted it red and added a porch.