Introduction: Business Card and Note Slip Holder From PVC
I use many note slips from cutting scrap paper into eight pieces. A few years ago I adapted a business card holder to hold these note slips. That card holder is no longer sold in stores. I wanted to see if I could make my own from some 1 1/4 inch electrical conduit PVC I had left from another project.
Step 1: Cut the Paper
My scrap paper is 8 1/2 x 11 inches. In many countries the standard paper size is A4, which is just a little larger and is sized in metric measurements.
This is a paper cutter given to me and my wife by my in-laws many years ago. Although not easy to see in this photo, I painted a red dot on the left side scale at 5 1/2 inches, 4 1/4 inches, and 2 3/4 inches. This marks for easy cutting into halves, quarters, and eighths.
This is a paper cutter given to me and my wife by my in-laws many years ago. Although not easy to see in this photo, I painted a red dot on the left side scale at 5 1/2 inches, 4 1/4 inches, and 2 3/4 inches. This marks for easy cutting into halves, quarters, and eighths.
Step 2: Cut PVC to Length
I marked a piece of gray PVC for cutting so it is just a little shorter than my note slips.
Step 3: Mark Around the Circumference of the PVC
I used a square like this to make short marks until I had gone all the way around the PVC. It is a little tricky to get a line for cutting that does not wander. Another way would be to loop a string around the PVC and pull it back and forth just a little until it is taught. Then mark along the string.
Step 4: The Lines Meet
You know you have successfully marked around the PVC in a straight line when the lines meet. Saw the PVC.
Step 5: Mark Lengthwise
I have found a book is a handy marking tool. Place a book on a flat surface. Slide the tube up to the book. Use the surface corner of the book as a guide and mark a straight line. Rotate the PVC about 110 degrees and make a second mark like this one.
Step 6: Saw on Both Lines
Saw out the section between the two lines 110 degrees apart. Try to make the two saw cuts exactly parallel for the sake of appearance. You can clean up any inaccuracies with a file later.
Step 7: Attach a Dowel for a Foot
I used a 3/8 inch dowel for a foot to keep the PVC from rolling and with the open part of the "C" shape where I want it. Cut a 3/8 inch dowel to the same length as the PVC piece.
I used #6 x 1/2 inch wood screws. In the photo I am drilling a hole for the shank of the first wood screw. See step 11 for a visual guide to how to place the opening in the PVC so the paper pieces rest properly in the holder. In general, the top of the PVC should be in about the 11 o'clock position and the lower edge should be at about 3:30 o'clock.
I used #6 x 1/2 inch wood screws. In the photo I am drilling a hole for the shank of the first wood screw. See step 11 for a visual guide to how to place the opening in the PVC so the paper pieces rest properly in the holder. In general, the top of the PVC should be in about the 11 o'clock position and the lower edge should be at about 3:30 o'clock.
Step 8: Countersink
Countersink the hole so the head of the screw is flush with the surface of the PVC.
Step 9: Screw the Dowel to the PVC
Drill a smaller hole into the dowel and fasten it to the PVC with a wood screw.
Set both the PVC and the dowel on a flat surface. Press both the PVC and the dowel against the flat surface on the unattached end so the assembly will be stable and not rock when finished.
Set both the PVC and the dowel on a flat surface. Press both the PVC and the dowel against the flat surface on the unattached end so the assembly will be stable and not rock when finished.
Step 10: Drill for the 2nd Screw
Without disturbing the alignment of the dowel with the PVC, move the assembly to a vise as shown. Drill for the 2nd wood screw. Drill a larger hole for the shank and countersink for the screw head.
Remove the dowel and paint it black. Spray paint is fine. When it is dry, attach the dowel to the PVC again.
Sand and file away any marks from the saw teeth, also any sharp edges.
Remove the dowel and paint it black. Spray paint is fine. When it is dry, attach the dowel to the PVC again.
Sand and file away any marks from the saw teeth, also any sharp edges.
Step 11: Finished
Here you see the note slip holder from behind. These are handy to have next to each telephone in your house, as well as in your workshop. You might even want to make some as gifts.