Introduction: CAT CARRIER

About: hi I'm Patrick and I spend my time watching anime

I LOVE arts and crafts, but I have a good eye for sewing. I sometimes get bored and sew stuffies with felt and stuff... Anyway, I have an awesome cat and he loves sleeping in MY open drawers so I decided to make him a CAT CARRIER. it sort-of works as a kangaroo pouch. now I will teach you how to make one


  • a sweater (no zipper)
  • a thick sewing tread
  • a needle
  • an old T-shirt
  • and a pair of sissors

Step 1: Step 1: the Beginning.

so as you could have guessed you need to start off with a sweater. I'm using my "thing 3" sweater.

Step 2: Step 2: the Old Shirt

pick out an old shirt. then cut off the sleeves, the neck part, and the sides, like so up above.

Step 3: The Shapeing

With the shape, you HOPEFULLY have now take your sowing equipment and sew on the shape

Step 4: DONE