Introduction: CD Art
I had a stack of old CDs lying around. For a long time I was planning to reuse them for a different purpose but I had no clue. Then one day while I was surfing on the internet I found an interesting idea to convert these in to great art work that can be put up on the walls. I liked this idea because I thought it was very easy to do, just few simple steps. The final product turns out to be pretty good.
Step 1: Things Needed
1. Any old CD
2. Acrylic color (preferably dark color)
3. Paint brush
4. Pencil
5. Anything with sharp point to scratch the color (I used the arm of the screwdriver)
Step 2: Apply Paint
• Shiny side of the CD shows rainbow colors when light falls on it. We r going to use this side
• Apply the acrylic color on shiny side. Here I have used black color. Make sure you have a thick layer of this color so that it becomes easy to scratch the color later
• Leave it to dry
Step 3: Draw a Design
Draw your favorite design on the colored side
Step 4: Scratch the Design
• With the help of screwdriver arm scratch the color along the outline of the design Try not to scratch very hard otherwise you’ll damage the shiny coating
• You may also want to scratch the inside of the design to make it more interesting
Step 5: Stick It on the Wall
Put the finished CD art on the wall using blue tac