I am a health and fitness nut but my love of all things clean and healthy has not destroyed taste buds and my love for good delicious food. This week I had one of those chocolate craving days- where nothing but chocolate will do and instead of surrendering to the candy king, I decided to experiment with some healthy chocolate crepe recipe and boy was I blown away by the result. It was so good that I paused filming to enjoy some crepes( see video).
It is gluten free, vegetarian, highIN protein, lowcarb and low calorie.
Step 1: Ingredients
- 150g of yoghurt
- 20g of unsweetened dark cocoa powder
- 1 egg white
- Stevia flavour drops sweetener or 2tbs of sugar.
Step 2: Instruction
- Add the yoghurt, cocoa and sweetener in a blender and whizz till mixed
- Add the egg white and whisk.
Step 3: Making the Crepes
- Heat a 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium.
- Lightly coat with fry lite low-calorie cooking spray.
- Spoon the mixture and swirl around bottom of skillet.
Cook until the underside of crepe is dark brown, 1 to 1.5 minutes. Turn the heat down to low so that the crepes don't burn.
Loosen edge of crepe with a rubber spatula, then with your fingertips, quickly flip and roll(see image)
- Slide crepe out of the skillet and repeat with remaining batter. This mixture will make 4 crepes.
Step 4: Dark Chocolate Syrup
This dark chocolate syrup was made by mixing
- 15g of cocoa
- 40ml of water
- Sugar or sweetener of choice
Microwave on high and stir at 10-second interval till it gets to a consistency that suits you.
That's all folks! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.