Introduction: CP2: Origami Crane
Sometimes referred to as the "Bird of happiness", the Crane is a significant symbol within the Japanese culture. Origami - meaning to fold paper- is a method to help ease nerves and bring about relaxation. These next few slides will be demonstrating the easiest way to come about creating one. Guidelines and suggestions vary on experience, so as you continue to perfect the art feel free to add your own moves or even leave out some of the helpful guidelines I will provide.
- Your two hands (or the help of a friend) and a square piece of paper are all you need. A quite environment is highly recommended for such a therapeutic activity.
- the lengths of the paper do not matter, just as long as they are even. Also the color and print of the paper are entirely up to the creator and how they are feeling at the moment.
Step 1: Grab Your Supplies
Some stores sell "Origami paper". This is a package of papers already in the shape of a square with various options in color, texture, size, and print.
for the following examples, I will be using the 8" sized paper
Step 2: Begin Creation
Take your square piece of paper and lay it flat on the table, making sure you have equal lengths all around.
Step 3:
Turn the square piece of paper into the shape of a diamond (as pictured) and place an “L” on the left side of the paper and an “R” on the right side of the diamond shaped corner
Hint: Write on colored section to keep color of paper visible
Step 4:
Fold the diamond shape piece of a paper straight down the middle – bringing together both “L” and “R” corners (as pictured)
Step 5:
Then proceed to fold this triangle shaped paper once more down the middle, while making sure both sides are symmetrical (as pictured)
Hint: Press into creases to settle in fold
Step 6:
Unfold the creases and lay paper back flat on the table with all creases undone – now rotate your paper back into the shape of a square (have the “R” on the top right corner) and fold the paper straight down the middle vertically (as pictured) then place one more horizontal fold at the center of the new triangle shape
Hint: The paper will then look like a smaller square once folded
Step 7:
Unfold all of the creases bringing the creased paper back into its original square shape (again- bring the paper to an angle at which the “R” is located at the top right of the corner- as pictured)
Hint: Notice the 8 triangle planes located within the folds
Step 8:
within the creases on the square paper are 8 triangular shaped planes- starting with the top right-side triangle, place a “1” on the side above the “R” (as pictured)- continuing this process, place numbers 2-8 in the planes (as pictured) in the remaining empty plans in the clockwise direction (as pictured)
Hint: All planes should have a number
Step 9:
Now with the unfolded paper in front of you, lay the paper so that the “R” is located in the top right corner
Hint: Make sure the paper is now in the shape of a square and numbers are visible
Step 10:
Examine everything: make sure creases and folds are all indented and malleable for folding.
Hint: re-fold or press into creases to give your paper an easy bend.
Step 11:
Now- starting with your left hand, place your left thumb under the “6” plane and index finger under the “7” plane. For the right side, place your right thumb under the “3” frame and your index under the “2” plan. Pinch these ends together and squeeze till planes “8” and “1” meet and “5” and “4” touch together – (as pictured)
8 --> 1
5--> 4
Step 12:
Press into the creases in order to create a diamond shape fold
Hint: If done correctly, there will be a crease down the middle of the diamond shaped paper
Step 13:
The "top" of the shape is the side without an opening at the top. The picture provided is the correct side up.
Step 14:
Hint: The following pictured is the bottom- flip paper over if this is the side you're currently on
Step 15:
Now – looking at this new series of folds (while paper is set in a diamond position) place a “L” on the left said and “R” on the right-side corners (as pictured) remember the “top” is the side without an opening
Step 16:
flip the diamond over and continue step 12 on the opposite side (as pictured)
Hint: notice the "L" and "R" written, just like the other side
Step 17:
Bringing the folded diamond back to its original “L” and “R” sided side begin second part of folding process
Hint: it does not matter which side you start on, the same folds will be applied to both
Step 18:
Now, looking at the diamond with the “L” and ”R” writings, you will see two points on both sides of the diamond
Step 19:
Using these two points as references, we want to grab this point and fold it over – flushing the side corner with the middle crease (as pictured)
Hint: start on any side, the same fold will be applied all around.
Step 20:
Continue this process all around on both sides
Hint: The folds will create a cone-like look
Step 21:
now that all sides are folded, you will notice a triangle shape at the top of the folds- fold this back in order to make the next few folds easier!
Hint: Definitely a cone now!
Step 22:
Now that both folds are in place and the top triangle is folded back
Take hold of both creases (as pictured) and bring the folds back (as pictured) and settle in the creases (as pictured)
Hint: folding the wings back and settling in the creases will expose the "L" and "R" from previous steps
Step 23:
Continue this process on the opposite side
Hint: now you should see that the triangle fold from a previous step is now in the middle of the wings
Step 24:
Folding the paper over (where the triangle is now located at the bottom)- we will begin our new folds (as pictured)
Step 25:
Begin by grabbing one side of the folds, from here we will begin creating the wings
Step 26:
Open the fold (pic) then with your two index fingers, fold it down (pic). Tuck this fold in with your thumb (pic) then press the folds together (pic)
Hint: Apply pressure to creases to help keep its shape
Step 27:
Now continue this process on the opposite fold– as pictured
Step 28:
Review the Crane so far – it should look as pictured above
Step 29:
Pick one of the sides for the head
Step 30:
Here- Grab the top and fold over a small piece to create the head (as pictured) – be sure to press into crease to create crane head (as pictured)
Hint: These folds will create a beak-like-look representing the head of the Crane
Step 31:
Now, grab the bottom of the bird at the front (as pictured) and the tail on the back and pull (as pictured) creating a flapping crane
Step 32: Done!
And now you have a therapeutic flapping Crane!