Introduction: Candy Corn Pumpkin

If you have a day where there is nothing to do and your fall decorations aren't the best, this Instructable is how to make a pumpkin out of candy corn. It will look cute, and you don't need many supplies, just some candy corn.


~ candy corn, you will need around 40 individual pieces

~ a hot glue gun

~ a mat(optional, for somewhere to work with the candy corn)

Step 1: Make the Base

The first thing you want to do once you have your candy corn, is to glue 3 pieces together that are pointing the same way. Then take 2 pieces and glue them on top of the middle of the 3 you just glued together, standing up pointing the opposite direction. Next glue another 3 pieces together, and glue them on top of the first 5. lastly I glued a piece on the outside on its side, on both sides.

You will need to have two of these.

Step 2: Putting Them Together

Now you put the two bases together using a small piece of candy corn that broke, or you can take the tip off. Glue it to the top of the base and the other.

Step 3: Final Step

Lastly, fill in the sides on their sides, for the middle one I used a shorter one, for both sides. Then on top of those glue some pointing towards the middle like the first three, on both sides also. To make the stem I glued a piece on the top pointing up.

Now you should have a super cute pumpkin made from candy corn ready for fall.