Introduction: Canvas Thread Art

This craft is so easy and great for a rainy day activity, with only a few materials needed you can make whatever design you want and hang your beautiful canvas thread art for everyone to see!


To start, gather your supply’s,
1: Canvas - small - medium
2: acrylic paint of any colour
3: thread of the colour paint you’ve chosen and white
4: small needle

Step 1: Painting

Using masking tape or normal sticky tape, place it down the canvas from corner to corner. (you can do it straight in half but personally i think diagonally is better) Start painting half of the canvas with your acrylic paint colour of choice.

Step 2: Print Off a Design

Print off an easy line drawing from the internet, ensure that it will fit well on the canvas

Step 3: Stick the Template to the Canvas

line the template up so it is even with the canvas and where you want the design to be.

Step 4: Begin Pinning Through the Paper and Canvas

Using a small pin, go along the lines of your design. At every point where the direction of the line goes push a pin through. Where the line is straight, less pin points will be needed as there aren’t any changes in the line.

Step 5: Threading

Once your entire design has been pinned, begin to thread. Where the canvas is white do coloured thread and where the canvas is coloured do white thread. When starting off the threading, thread the needle only once and tie it at the end then go through the back of the canvas and start. I would recommend only starting with a small amount of thread as it can be hard to manage and get tangled at the back of the canvas. Refer to the diagram on this page on how to thread the thread through ever point.

Step 6: Finished

Once you have sewed your entire canvas with your design you can hang it up and enjoy! I recommend doing a few of these with different designs and hang them up as a collection.

Hope you try it!