Introduction: Cardboard Monkey Magnet

I got bored so I made this and with the cardboard contest here I thought I might put it in too.

Step 1: Get Materials

Gather the Materials needed
3.Strong round magnets
4.Sharp knife
5.Glue gun
8. Felt if you want

Step 2: Trace and Cut

Trace the monkey template (you can find the pdf at bottom)
3 times but 1 trace upside down. And heres where the pins come in put in hands and feet to hold it down.

Step 3: Magnets and Glue

Take your middle section and put holes in the hands and feet about where the pin marks are.
Glue the middle one to the bottom then put the magnets in the holes and glue those in. the glue the top on and draw the face. Or wait and glue felt on. and if magnets aren't strong enough glue 1 more on hands and feet

Step 4: Felt

Glue the felt on to complete and throw on fridge

Step 5: