Introduction: Cardboard Tube Piggy Bank.

What did I make?
I made a Piggy Bank out of a discarted cable stool.It functions to save money.
How did you make it?
With the help of my Dad and my brother we disassamble the cable stool geting out the cardboard tube which is the main part of the piggy bank using it as a container for the coins.
Where did you make it?
I made this in my home and share the idea in my school.
What did you learn?
I learn that a lot of things could be given it a second use instead of throwing it to the trash.

My daddy had always teach us that we must to save money for the future.but some piggy banks are so little and bored.So i decided to build my own piggy bank.
Cardboard Tubes are so cool to upcycling projects so with my daddy and brother  help I built a Piggy Bank to save some coins.I wish at the end of the year we could gather a lot of money.I hope youl like it rated and vote..

Haz tu propia alancía utilizando un tubo de Carton.Con la ayuda de mi padre y mi hermanito construi una idea que rondaba mi cabeza por mucho tiempo.Espero el final de año poder ahorrar muchas monedas.Espero les guste comenten y voten.

Step 1: Gather Materials.

Small cable spool.
Contact Paper.
Biggest Coin of your country.

carrete vacio de cable.
Caladora de madera.
papel Contact de colores.

Step 2: Time to Work.

For this part is needed the help of a grown up.My dad doesn´t leave me use his power tools...not yet I hope soon cause power tools are so cool!!
Disassamble the cable spool with a screw driver.Clean the cardboard tube and cut the top and base of the piggy bank from the wood circles that hold the cardboard tube.
Trace the inner circle of the cardboard on the wood and start to cut wit the electric saw.
once you had the two circles.Glue it with Wood glue and let it dry for one day.

Para esta primera parte de el proyecto es indispensable la ayuda de un adulto.Mi papá no me deja jugar con sus herramientas aún, no por mucho espero.Las herramients de poder son geniales!!
Primero desarma el carrete de cable con un destornillador sacando los largos tornillos.
Limpia el tubo de carbon y las tapas ahi saldran la tapa y la base con la que taparemos el tubo.Coloca el tubo sobre la tabla y traza la circunferencia interior con un lapiz.Con una caladora electrica cortaremos las dos tapas es mejor que queden un poco mas grandes si es asi simplemente lija hasta que se fijen ajustadamente.
Una vez se hayan cortado las tapas realiza una ranura en la mitad de una de ellas ese sera el agujero por donde se insertaran las monedas.
Cuando esten listas para pegar utiliza pegante para madera.

Step 3: Fun Time!!

Once the Glue is dry you must to paint in a nice color and decore with hand made decals in this time the thematic is pac man.I drew some ghosts, cherrys, even lady Pac man appears on my Piggy bank.

Cuando el pegante haya secado haya secado pinta el tubo de un lindo color y decora tu gusto.Esta ve la tematica fue Pac Man. Recorta las figuras que te gusten.

Step 4: Feed Time !!

Now that my piggy Bank is finished its time to feed it.I hope we could save a lot of coins.
Hope you like it rated and vote.
Ahora que mi alcancía esta lista solo queda alimentarla, para eso tambien necesitare la ayuda de mi papá y mis hermanos.
Espero que les guste comenten, califiquen y voten.
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