Introduction: Carving Mallet, How to Make

About: Hello I'm a beginner I hope you like my videos

From wood fire to Carving Mallet, a trip with only hand tools and fire.

Step 1: Preform

After choosing a good log, I remove the bark with axe and saw it

Step 2: Roundig

I clamp it (with high tech instruments). Cleaning and rounding with Restaured hand plane and ergonomice with spokeshave

Step 3: Finish

For the finish, I use fire and Homemade beeswax and olive oil

Step 4: The Result

A travel from a tree to a hand tool

I hope you like it, you can see more on

The Wood Eater YouTube Channel

Step 5: The Video

Hand Tools Only Contest 2017

Participated in the
Hand Tools Only Contest 2017